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Episode 96: Another Merry Christmas Song Sampler!

Writer's picture: Sara HolmesSara Holmes

Let's really get into the Christmas spirit? It's time for the annual focus on 10 Spanish Christmas songs (see Episode 82, Episode 64, Episode 42, and Episode 24). So get a cup of hot cocoa and grab a snack, it's time to enjoy some canciones navideƱas! :D


10 Spanish Christmas Songs

I've tried to compile a list that has a bit of everything for everyone. Let's start with some of the classic villancicos, shall we?


Here are 5 classic Christmas carols in Spanish! The first two are ones you've probably heard in English, but the last three are classic Spanish carrols!

1. El Rey NaciĆ³ (Joy to the World) by Pandora

This is such a gloriously happy and joyful song, one of the true classic Christmas carols. I've talked about Pandora before, and while I still don't know too much about their group, they have delightful Christmas songs!

2. La Primera Navidad by Athenas

I love the sweet, slow melody of this song, which you might know as "The First Noel," and combined with Athena's voice, it just touches your soul. I just discovered Athenas and am excited to listen to more of her songs!

3. Hacia BelƩn Va Una Burra Rin Rin by Los Rolling Ruanas

While this song doesn't quite make sense, it is a bit simple and therefore easier to memorize. The singer, who is patching his clothes, is talking about a donkey coming to Bethlehem with hot chocolate making supplies. Other things also happen in the song, depending on which version you listen to, but the virgen Mary is always called to come running because something is happening, such as the donkey eating the chocolate or rats eating Joseph's clothing, etc. It's a fun song, and this version by The Rolling Ruanas is entertaining. :)

If you'd like the popular version by Gaby Moreno click here, or for more informatin, plus general lyrics and translations, check out this song page by Mama Lisa's World.

4. Cantad Pastores by Hermanos Galindo

This is a fun holiday song calling the shepherds to sing and make music, to rejoice!, because Christ has been born. You can find the lyrics - and an ok translation - here. It looks like Los Hermanos Galindo have a bunch of other traditional villancicos, like Joticas al NiƱo de mi corazĆ³n. Their grandmother used to sing this song to them, and at the end of that music video, they have a little clip of her talking - it is so heartwarming!

Anyway, back to "Cantad Pastores". absolutely LOVE the shots of the city of Cuenca in this video! I had never heard of this town, with it's medieval houses and casas colgadas (hanging houses that jut out over cliff edges). Spain has some great info. on it on it's tourism website. It is so cool! I now have a new place to visit on my bucket list ;).

5. Tun Tun by Canticos

This is a fun song highlighting traditional carroling (I think from Venezuela?). I originally found this video on the Llamitas Spanish blog (I'm a big fan!), and I really like that the video is in Spanish first and then in English.

Modern Christmas Songs (Ish)

This year, I focused on Christmas songs that are more recent (although the first we're going to talk about was released in 2014. Still, the rest are from 2023!).

6. DĆ³nde EstĆ” La Nieve En Navidad by Jon Secada

This song, albeit not super recent, is too funny not to share. Perhaps you're like me and have never had a Christmas that wasn't at least cold, but often was snowy. And when you think about it, most Christmas songs talk about being warm and cozy while it snows. But if you lived someplace like Cuba, where Jon Secado was born, then these would be very confusing! :D Sung to the tune of Winter Wonderland, Jon highlights his question, "ĀæDĆ³nde estĆ” la nieve en Navidad?" Enjoy!

7. Estas Navidades by Julissa

Continuing on with our island-based songs, here is a lovely song about the holidays from Puerto Rican singer Julissa! I really enjoyed the island rhythym and the overall celebration of Jesus, family, and friends!

8. Voy a BelƩn by the Orvalle School

This is a new villancico (I think from this year!) that has a classic, traditional vibe. Created by Luis Poveda, this music video was produced by the Colegio Orvalle. It's a very sweet Christmas song celebrating the birth of Christ, and I absolutely love seeing the kids throughout the video occassionally doing flamenco-inspired dancing (at least, it looks like that to my very untrained eye). You can definitely tell this video comes from Spain!

9. Contigo en Navidad by Caroll DĆ­az

I am a sucker for videos about friends and family, especially at Christmastime, so when I found this video I knew it had to be included. :) That's basically the entirerty of this song, just how lovely and important friends and family are to the season! It looksl ike she released this song this December, so thank you Caroll!

(Bonus song - Canela Y Mantequilla by Un CorazĆ³n. It has an odd sound, kind of modern and 1950s combined. It is a litle slower, but it fits right in with the theme of helping others, celebrating time with those who matter most, etc. Plus, the music video is them helping a poor little boy. I told you, I'm a sucker for these things!)

10. Feliz Navidad (Podemos Cantar) by GosĆ©n MĆŗsica

Finally, I wanted to include this 2023 song for you, all of my wonderful dear listeners and readers! Ā”Feliz Navidad! I wish you all the best this Christmas and Hanukkah season!

And that wraps up our Merry Christmas Song Sampler for 2023! I'm always on the lookout for more Spanish Christmas songs, so please send me your favorites! :) I'll - hopefully - have the last episode out for 2023 before the year's end. In the meantime, Merry Christmas!

Remember, learning a language is a lifelong journey.

Ā”AprovĆ©chalo, DisfrĆŗtalo y CompĆ”rtelo!


Estrella de Esperanza

Vamos a continuar a celebrar la Navidad con la cuenta del origen, el nacimiento de JesĆŗs.

Lucas 2:1-7

"AconteciĆ³ en aquellos dĆ­as, que se promulgĆ³ un edicto de parte de Augusto CĆ©sar, que todo el mundo fuese empadronado. 2 Este primer censo se hizo siendo Cirenio gobernador de Siria. 3 E iban todos para ser empadronados, cada uno a su ciudad. 4 Y JosĆ© subiĆ³ de Galilea, de la ciudad de Nazaret, a Judea, a la ciudad de David, que se llama BelĆ©n, por cuanto era de la casa y familia de David; 5 para ser empadronado con MarĆ­a su mujer, desposada con Ć©l, la cual estaba encinta. 6 Y aconteciĆ³ que estando ellos allĆ­, se cumplieron los dĆ­as de su alumbramiento. 7 Y dio a luz a su hijo primogĆ©nito, y lo envolviĆ³ en paƱales, y lo acostĆ³ en un pesebre, porque no habĆ­a lugar para ellos en el mesĆ³n."



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Intro and Closing Music by Master_Service from Fiverr

Cultural Tip Transition Music edited from song by JuliusH from Pixabay

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