Many in the language learning community wanted to show their support for Ukraine by learning the language, so here are some resources to get you started!

A few notes about the resource library:
First, you can click on the different items to go to the independent sites (some links are affiliate links and will take you to Amazon.com, as I am an Amazon affiliate. I only recommend products this way that I have used myself and which I have found to be useful. Affiliated links are a fun way for you to support this library without any extra cost to you. (You can find my Disclosure Policy here.)
Second, I am always looking for new language resources, so if you have any suggestions, please send me an email!
Lastly, enjoy!
Fluent Forever: How to Learn Any Language Fast and Never Forget It
By: Gabriel Wyner
Gabriel Wyner created a unique language learning method based on a focus on pronunciation, word association, and spaced-repetition memorization. Check out the book to learn more!
Colloquial Ukrainian
By: Ian Press and Stefan Pugh
This link is NOT an affiliate link, but it does go to Amazon. That's because I only have two of the books in the Colloquial Series (Somali and Icelandic), and while I find that both of those are quite good, I haven't actually read or used the one for Ukrainian. So I don't feel like I can recommend it personally via my own affiliate link.