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Spoken around the world, but especially in French Canada and France, this beautiful language is commonly thought of as the "language of love" and of food.

Eiffel Tower Paris

A few notes about the resource library:
First, you can click on the different items to go to the independent sites (some links are affiliate links and will take you to, as I am an Amazon affiliate. I only recommend products this way that I have used myself and which I have found to be useful. Affiliated links are a fun way for you to support this library without any extra cost to you. (You can find my Disclosure Policy here.)

Second, I am always looking for new language resources, so if you have any suggestions, please send me an email! 

Lastly, enjoy!



Book on Table
French All-in-One For Dummies 
By: The Experts at Dummies

This link is NOT an affiliate link, but it does go to Amazon. That's because, while I find that the For Dummies books are pretty good, I haven't actually read or used this one. So I don't feel like I can recommend it personally via my own affiliate link. 

Fluent Forever: How to Learn Any Language Fast and Never Forget It 
By: Gabriel Wyner

Gabriel Wyner created a unique language learning method based on a focus on pronunciation, word association, and spaced-repetition memorization. Check out the book to learn more!

​Learn Canadian French
By: Pierre Lévesque

There are great differences between Parisian French and Canadian French, or Québécois. This book helped me prepare for when we visited Québec. 


Video Channels


Children Books and Music

CD Drive
Comptines Pour Enfants et Bébés
La Reine des Chansons Pour Enfants et Bébés

This link will take you to the CD on Spotify. It´s a nice CD of French children´s songs. 

Goodnight Moon (French Version)
By:  Margaret Wise Brown 

This is one of those classic books, and I personally have it in English, French, and Spanish. I recommend a board book if you=re little one is an infant or toddler. 

I'll Love You Forever (French Version)
By:  Eric Carle

This is such a sweet classic about a mother's love. 

The Toddler's Handbook: Bilingual  (Dual Language)
By:  Dayna Martin

Use this book to teach your child the words for different animals, objects, concepts, etc. in both French and English. The photos are very colorful, so while it might look a bit odd, it definitely catches your child's eyes!

Un Deux Trois: First French Rhymes
By:  Opal Dunn

I got this book because it 1) comes with a CD, to help guide me with the pronunciation, and 2) I really want to teach my daughter French poetry!

I Can Read French Series Cont.
By: I Can Read French Series

Hurry Up, Molly/Dépêche-Toi, Molly 

This book is one of my daughter's favorites in this series. It is the reason her first French word was "Papa"!






Bon Anniversaire! / Happy Birthday!

(Be careful if trying to order the hardback on Amazon - for some reason, it switches to the Spanish version instead of the French version. That's why this link is to the paperback.)




I'm Too Big / Je Suis Trop Gros

This one, Amazon does not have in hardback (when last I checked), so if you want that style, you'll have to search for it on Ebay. 




CD Drive
Fun Songs in English and French
Baby Boom Boom, Music CD, French / English

This CD has traditional English nursery rhymes in both English and French to help your child learn French!

CD Drive
Comptines TV Series
Comptines TV

This link will take you to the Comptines TV volumes and songs on Spotify. They're a compilation of different French kid songs. Enjoy!

Le Petit Chien Se Trouve Un Ami / Puppy Finds a Friend (Dual Language Book)
By: I Can Read French Series

I really love this series! My level is somewhere between Intermediate and Beginner, to the pronunciation guides at the back of every book are very helpful! We have all 10 books in the series, and each one provides different vocabulary in English and in French, so that you can read to your child in either or both languages. My daughter loves this book with the animals!


Sometimes it is cheaper to buy these books, since they are a little older, on Amazon, and sometimes it is cheaper to buy them on Ebay. I really like the hardback copies, but they can be tricky to find. If you live in or near the UK, a better option may be to buy all 10 paperbacks from B Small. Other books in the series include: 


Bonne Nuit à Tous / Good Night Everyone
(Be careful if trying to order the hardback on Amazon - for some reason, it switches to the Spanish version instead of the French version. That's why this link is to the paperback.)


Qu'est-ce Qu'on Mange Ce Soir? / What's for Supper? 

This one is very difficult to find in good condition and in hardback, at least without having to pay an exorbitant amount. So I recommend either searching for a used copy on Ebay or getting the paperback version off of Amazon. 



Je Veux Ma Banane! / I Want My Banana! 

This one, Amazon does not have in hardback (when last I checked), so if you want that style, you'll have to search for it on Ebay. 

My daughter loves this book!



Georges le Poisson Rouge / George the Goldfish 

This one, Amazon does not have in hardback (when last I checked), so if you want that style, you'll have to search for it on Ebay. 






Space Postman/Le Facteur Spatial 

For this one, the last time I checked Amazon, the hardback was very expensive, so if you want that style, I would recommend searching for it on Ebay. 






Habille-toi, Robbie / Get Dressed, Robbie

This one, Amazon does not have in hardback (when last I checked), so if you want that style, you'll have to search for it on Ebay. 


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